Students at IFC Mandarin Connection practicing their Chinese language skills in a classroom setting

Effective Strategies for Corporate Chinese Language Training for Non-Native Speakers

As a leading provider of corporate Chinese language training, IFC Mandarin Connection understands the importance of effective language training for non-native speakers. Our customized training programs, regular practice and feedback, use of technology, and cultural immersion are all designed to help non-native speakers improve their Chinese language proficiency and unlock […]

Image of financial professionals shaking hands with Chinese business partners

Chinese Language Training for Financial Professionals

As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, financial professionals need to be equipped with the necessary skills to communicate effectively with clients and partners from around the world. With China emerging as a major economic power, learning Chinese has become essential for financial firms that want to succeed in the global market. At IFC Mandarin Connection, we offer a comprehensive Chinese language program that is tailored to the needs of financial professionals. Our program covers financial terminology in Chinese, cultural training, and business communication skills, and our experienced trainers are native speakers of Chinese with a deep understanding of Chinese business culture. By investing in Chinese language training for your financial professionals, you can give your firm a competitive advantage in the global market and unlock the opportunities of the Chinese market. Don’t miss out on the chance to expand your business in China – contact us today to learn more about our customized Chinese language courses for financial firms.

corporate language training

Corporate language training courses

What is corporate language training? Corporate language training is designed to improve the language capabilities of businesses and their staff. Programs aim to develop learners’ foreign language fluency so they can confidently communicate on both a professional and personal level with their colleagues, partners and customers. With a multilingual workforce, […]


中国市场大有可为 – Learn business Chinese

中国市场大有可为 – Learn business Chinese – 在华外企高管眼中的中国 – 多名在华外企高管近日接受新华社记者采访时表示,中国拥有良好的创新环境和人才资源,且供应链优势显著,随着更高水平的对外开放推进,为企业提供了大有可为的市场。 德资企业舍弗勒是一家全球性的汽车和工业产品供应商,已深耕中国市场27年。目前,大中华区已成为继欧洲区外的第二大业务区域。 “中国市场大有可为” “从长远看,中国市场一定是全球最好的市场之一。 “从长远看,中国市场一定是全球最好的市场之一。”舍弗勒大中华区首席执行官张艺林说,中国市场前景广阔,很多德国企业特别是以出口为导向的德企都希望能在中国市场有一席之地。 张艺林说,2013年底,因为舍弗勒集团在亚太区的业务增长主要依靠中国,集团决定把中国从亚太区分离出来,成为平行于欧洲区、美洲区、亚太区的第四个区域,“现在看来这个决定非常对”。 张艺林认为,中国巨大的经济体量、市场规模,以及在成本上的竞争力和供应链的优势等,都为外企未来在华进一步发展坚定了信心。 “中国市场大有可为” – 在华外企高管眼中的中国经济 中国市场大有可为 – Learn business Chinese – 不少外资企业对中国的经济韧性感受颇深。在中德合资企业利勃海尔中航起航空(长沙)有限责任公司技术总监刘大林看来,中国拥有世界五分之一的人口;几十年来的发展积累了很多经济建设经验;中国多年来重视发展高等教育,每年千万名大学毕业生中有相当比例的理工科人才,成为众多领域产业发展的重要力量。 刘大林说,德国企业在中国市场介入时间长、范围广、程度深,在中国拥有广阔的市场和巨大的商业利益,中国市场非常重要。 德资企业索恩格汽车部件(中国)有限公司总裁孙国忠同样看好中国市场。“中国经济必能克服超预期因素带来的不利影响,进一步企稳回升。这是源于中国政府全面贯彻新发展理念,经济韧性强劲,同样也是源于国内市场潜力巨大、营商环境持续改善。”他说。 新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,中国持续加大“六稳”“六保”工作力度,高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,直面市场主体需求实施宏观政策。 中德合资企业巴斯夫杉杉首席执行官杨捷说,经济社会秩序稳定是市场主体开展生产经营活动的重要保障,成熟的基础设施和产业链配套、稳定的电力能源等生产要素保障既是企业投资选址的基础考量因素,也是支撑产业发展的关键。“中国对外开放水平不断提高,我们对中国经济的持续发展很有信心。” 巴斯夫杉杉电池材料有限公司是巴斯夫和杉杉2021年共同成立的合资公司。其前身始创于2003年,产品广泛应用于消费性电子产品以及新能源电动汽车等。 “我们未来发展的重心是新能源汽车市场,而中国是目前全世界最重要的新能源汽车市场之一。”杨捷说,受益于中国强大而全面的供应链体系,企业的原材料大部分为国内采购。 受访的外资企业表示,新冠肺炎疫情等因素不会改变公司对中国的长期投资计划。 孙国忠说,根据公司发展规划,索恩格汽车电动系统有限公司总投资额将达到30亿元人民币,计划3年内实现项目量产。 杨捷说,公司正在持续扩大其在湖南长沙和宁夏石嘴山基地的电池材料产能,以满足当地和全球快速增长的电动汽车市场需求。 当前,全球供应链的不稳定性让受访的不少外企更加坚定了本土化战略。“过去,中国长期扮演‘世界工厂’的角色,到如今成为‘世界市场’,只有用中国本土制造来支持在华业务发展才能在中国走得更稳。”张艺林说。 新华社长沙8月22日电(记者张玉洁、孙毅) Source: 舍弗勒大中华区 ABOUT US Mandarin Connection specializes in training expatriate executives and local […]

learn legal chinese

Learn Business and Legal Chinese

LEARN BUSINESS AND LEGAL CHINESE Your ability to communicate clearly and correctly is the basis upon which clients will assess your professional ability. Lawyers must master accurate legal Chinese skills to progress their careers. Every idea you present should demonstrate that you are a professional, clearheaded, knowledgeable and accurate lawyer […]